The Handpresso is an intriguing little device. Highly capable of producing a decent espresso, exceptionally portable (I’ve taken mine around the country), and once you get the hang of it, fairly easy to use. There is a slight learning curve, as all espresso apparatus will generally require, but once that period has passed you get a consistent cup every time. Which is the ultimate goal of espresso right? 

Made of metal, with just enough weight to give it a comfortable feeling in the hand and confidence you won’t break it through use and abuse, it should provide years of dependable tastiness.


There is a pump-action to it, which gets the blood flowing in the morning, as this builds up pressure which is then released into the adorable filter basket which then produces your espresso.

It is a marvel of engineering. It can’t compete with a counter-top machine, but definitely will get the job done, be infinitely more portable, and provide a reliable satisfying buzz.

I first learned of the Handpresso through Kickstarter (a spurious platform), and once it arrived I spent awhile going through the “learning new equipment” phase, figured out through trial and lots of error the right amount of coffee to place into the basket, and how much to tamp or not to tamp. But it’s a great little device that I use much more than expected when not at home. Daily.

My semi-pro machine is the Primary, but the Handpresso is good to have on you or in your luggage, backpack, glovebox, trunk, briefcase, locker, or anywhere you have access to hot water.

If you already have one, but have been looking for proper instructions, check this out.