Is it the best day of the year!? Mebbe. Let’s see: License to drink coffee all day? Check. Access to tasty coffee all day? Check. Stuff to accomplish all day, but you WILL be supplementing all agendas with coffee? Check. Water at the ready to prolong your buzz and ameliorate any crashing? Check. National Coffee Day. Is. The. Best!

Mixes Bag national coffee day
Just add THIS to milk?

That sounds juuuuust about right. So now the important decisions: what is the FIRST coffee you start off with? Perhaps the most important decision of the day, as this sets the tone for whatever comes next. Whatever comes next is a coffee? Great! So far so good. Espresso machine? Good. Espresso? Doppio? Americano? Steamed milky goodness? Latte? Mocha? A MEXICAN Mocha!?!?

Say whaaaaaat!? Lissen, sometimes you just gotta have something more exciting than steamed milk. Heretic! No no no, there is nothing wrong with steamed milk and adding that to your tasty tasty espresso. But sometimes it gets a bit…boring. So whaddaya gonna do? Add a whole buncha sugar and get super jacked? No! Well, you could, but that is just a recipe for disaster. Might I suggest you broaden your caffeinated horizons with some Cafe Alejandro Mocha Mix? Yes.

With this stuff, you just steam your milk, supplanting the boredom that is created, add some teaspoons of mix to your milk, and POOF! it’s like you went to the cafe, but you created it yourself. Really. Completely simple and levels up your coffee.

So get your caffeine on in whichever way you want! As long as you have a coffee in hand you are definitely doing something right. But if you have made an espresso drink with the Cafe Alejandro Mocha mix, people will want to chat you up and ask about the TASTY LOOKING BEVERAGE you have in your hand.

mocha with cereal marshmallows

Tell them all about it with enthusiasm! Because you made it yourself and didn’t give your hard-earned dosh to The Man. Brilliant! Life can proceed.

Well caffeinated, and brighter.