How do you start your morning? Do you grab the newspaper (Ha! What year IS IT?!?!), sit at the table with a cuppa coffee and then immediately regret your beverage decision? Yeah, that is no way to start the day. Miserable. So many options: Aeropress, Handpresso, Espresso Machine, drip coffee maker, really the only bad choice would be to use a Keurig. But that is subject to a rant within another post.

If you are ever unsure about what type of coffee to have, perhaps your pourover method needs tweaking and you don’t want another weak-ass coffee to start your day, you don’t feel like going through the hassle of an Aeropress, your drip coffee machine needs more filters so that is off the table, but your espresso machine? Up and running, warmed up, or almost there.

I suggest an Americano. Sorted. See, you get the pleasure of using your espresso machine, eagerly awaiting you in the kitchen, always a delight, and the zen of it! MMMMmm-hmm. But that is subject to another post. I donno how often I am stymied by the variety of caffeinated beverages I have at my disposal. And I just end up having an Americano.

Whazzat? What’s an Americano!? Siddown and lissen: It all started back in World War ll when American soldiers were over in Italy. They would be at the espresso bar and order up a coffee. Thinking it would be like it was back home; coffee is coffee. When it arrived in a little cup with a tiny handle and tasted like motor oil they immediately were taken aback, revolted, and confused. The proprietors would then add hot water to it to dilute it. Being a fly on the cafe wall during this time would have been an amazing sociological discovery, but oh well.

It appropriately from then on was nicknamed “Americano”, for the un-accustomed to strong coffee soldiers. A revolution in coffee was born. And if you start tuning into this beverage and realize its simplicity and greatness, it might just become your go-to. You can always get a Latte or Mocha after if you need a second coffee. And who doesn’t, come on now.

Trust me, start the day with an Americano. Imbibe its historical & geographic genesis, and you will want one every morning from then on.