Within the portafilter comfortably nestled inside your E-61 Grouphead (explained in detail later in another post), lies the humble filter basket. The often neglected, frequently forgotten, instrumental component to your morning’s shot. “What the heck is a filter basket?” Take out your portafilter, go ahead I’ll wait.

the humble filter basket
22 gram, 18 gram, li’l single basket

That round object held in place by the portafilter handle is yes, the filter basket. Have you ever looked at it, remarked at all the little holes that create some of the magic that is espresso? Well, there are a myriad of different models out there. Just like with aftermarket parts for your auto, there are also many different filter baskets that you can change out. The easiest change of filter basket would be the size.

There are single, double, and even gasp! triple size baskets. Funny story…I switched to a 22 gram, triple basket within the first few months of owning my machine, and had quadruple Americanos for a loooooong time. Then realized “Ha! That was a triple basket this whole time!” That was a big deal. In reality, I had been drinking Americanos with 6 shots! Woof! Awesome.

And the single basket that my machine came with?

Yeah, I’ve never even touched it. Who wants a coffee with only ONE shot? Whatta waste of energy and time. Harumph! While there are a few manufacturers of filter baskets out there, by far the one with the best engineering and tight tolerances is VST. No, I’m not sponsored by them, just a fan. And you should be too. (If you wanna read all the delicious metrics on their baskets: check ’em out)

As I said, I switched out my original basket for a 22 gramer yeeeeeeears ago, and I have never looked back. At the same time, I also purchased an 18 gram basket. You know, for those “lite” days. Ha! But the 22 gram is next-level awesome. In fact, in order to use a Triple Basket (Heaven’s Heralds singing), you need to have a Naked Portafilter. If you already do, good on ya. If you don’t that’s ok too! And if you don’t know what that is, the majesty of one will be discussed in another post in the future.

The humble naked portafilter
The Amazingness of the Naked Portafilter

Why even consider an upgrade of something so remedial as the humble portafilter basket? Why not just use the one that came with your machine? Why change out the exhaust pipe on your vehicle? Why change to high-performance tires? Because these are all upgrades.

The “standard” part works, yes, of course, but with any upgrade, there is generally an increase in performance. And it will be noticeable. Immediately.

the humble filter basket
22 gram, 18 gram, useless single basket; SEE the difference?

The VST baskets are just incredibly well done. Just look at them, like some highly refined and machined part. Oh! It IS! Delightful. Such tight tolerances. So SHINY! Grab your portafilter and pop out your old basket. Crusty, beat, unpolished, dingy-looking metal. Mediocre.

It has served you well, but move over bacon there’s something leaner! Pop in the new VST basket and you’ll find yourself saying Ace Ventura style “Like A Glove!” without even thinking about it.

Why have you waited so long to change out something so simple? What a difference it would make before you even pull the first shot through it!

So turn on your machine, warm ‘er up, and get to it. The day can only go on un-caffeinated for so long…